Hello Cyber World!
It's already been about two weeks since I've last posted something. I've been super busy studying for a major exam and working for the US Census. My first day of training for the Census canvassing job was today and I am exhausted... eight hours of reading about various conversations, what to say to strangers in case they have questions about the five-minute questionnaire (seriously, how many questions can a person ask about a five minute questionnaire?), and procedures for follow-up when we are unable to get in touch with someone after our seventieth time of visiting him/her. There are some things that I'll just never understand... such as the need for so many rules and contracts in this country or how much we waste paper printing redundant shit. But then again, maybe it's not just this country and maybe it's not even the government's fault..
I was away this past weekend at a church retreat. I got around to a half-hour of knitting, but nothing else. I also visited Redeemer Presbyterian Church on sunday and heard Tim Keller preach about peace. It was really nice and a perfect way to end the weekend. I'm considering going back in two weeks to hear his message on kindness. It occurred to me a few days ago that I really do not know how to be kind... And I don't mean just performing random acts kindness or saying nice things to someone.. I do not know how to be genuinely kind - that ooey-gooey warm fuzzy feeling deep down inside, you know?
I've been recovering from a cold. I don't enjoy the feeling of being sick - it makes me feel so... powerless. I can't move around, dance around, or act like my crazy self when I'm sick. Instead, I'm just this limp noodle. Ugh, I hate limp noodles. On my long car ride back from the retreat, I found some awesome things that I would like to share with the world... Stay tuned! I will reveal them in my upcoming posts.
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