So I've decided to read as many books and watch as many films as possible since my schedule is relatively free for now. I'll be updating my side bar with the current books that I'm reading and the movies that I've watched/am currently watching as I type out this entry.
Despite the extreme weather in New York last night, my friend and I managed to go watch Alice in the Wonderland in 3D (not worth it if you're considering), try on a few glittery outfits at a nearby boutique, eat scrumptious gnocchi at a really cute pizzeria in my town, and flip through countless fashion magazines at a 24-hour grocery store at 2 AM... And I must say that there's really no better way to kill time than to stand at a pay counter, giggling and chatting about all the outrageous spring outfits that we either adored or found totally hideous. Then, we came across this one Ann Klein ad that had a huge ink mark on the model's face, which totally sucks for the model and we wondered if Ann Klein will be able to get a free ad out of it (not that any of this really concerns us). Anyway, I'm not completely sure how the workers felt about our loitering, but I'm sure they were somewhat relieved that we weren't as annoying as those high school kids that race their lame cars in the parking lot to see who can be the dumbest and fastest instead of studying for their SATs. Ah, it was one of those nights that reminded me of my college days when my bestest, Angela, and I would do our 4 AM Dunkin Donuts/Acropolis Diner run -- only now that I'm older (and slightly more efficient with time?) I've pushed the hours back by two. I suppose some things never change.
So, my favorite character in Alice in the Wonderland was the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter). She is adorable, mean, and just plain adorable (repetition intended). I love her big head. I love her bright orange hair that goes with her big head. I love that her lips are in the shape of a heart. I love the blue eyeshadow. And I love that she resembles those Blythe dolls but with a much meaner look.... I think she should model for Moschino. In fact, I love her so much that I think I want to chart out an intarsia pattern of her to knit. Wouldn't she look really cute on a vest or a hat?
(OFF with his head!... Poor Mr. Frog)

About movies: I watched Long Life, Prosperity, and Happiness a while ago... somehow found it online. Talk about a random movie! The little girl is very cute though and I can see how you would like it...